CFM offers an online monthly publication with bimonthly news & tips, as well as offering a host of services under a collaboration model to reduce
duplication and competition of scarce financial or program resources. We offer book scholarships (at Community College of Philadelphia), academic skills building,
entrepreneurial seminars/workshops, and sports events, and when possible lectures, speakers, and connecting with other organizations to sponsor joint
partnerships to fundraise, provide tutoring services, and training events. CFM is interested in Academic Skills Building techniques in math, writing, reading,
science, computers, and coding, as well as CFM’s tutoring services will help students and adults master Pennsylvania Assessment and Common Core Standards
in the following areas PSSA, ACT, SAT, AP, and GED exam preparation. Other needed academic skills are note taking, testing,, critical thinking, and
comprehension etc. If the student or adult is getting ready for college, we can help with college math, science, and history. The services will be offered online and
face-to-face support. If the said student(s) are in school, we will attempt to align/coordinate tutoring services with the classroom teacher.
Because of a request for entrepreneurial support, we are working with millennials on how to start and operate a startup or business by connecting to people that
create, launch, organize and manage new and small businesses while taking the risk of ownership. We are offering an entrepreneurial workshop on July 28, 2018.
If you want to participate call 215-485-2851 (text) for information and directions or email: collegefairmagazine@gmail.com There will be a host of services offered,
so if you or anyone you know has that entrepreneurial let them know ASAP, see you there!
Students Need 21st Century PreparationAcademic Skills Building underscore the national STEM program to help students in the STEM fields including girls,
disabled, and first-generation Americans to participate. The program will focus on science and math-related areas (computer systems, mathematics, reading,
writing, and system software, and when requested medical and biomedical). Helping students with 21st Century preparation.
Students Improve through Tutoring
For Appointment and Scheduling Call: 215-485-2851 or either email us at collegefairmagazine@gmail.com