Collegefairmagazine (CFM) is focused on training and higher education to help with access paths to
post-secondnary institutions (Divisionn I, II, and III). CFM has instituted a Collegefair event twice (Spring and summer) to help
colleges and universities interact and communicate with potential students and adults by offering applications, college
informamtion, ACT, SAT and GPA information to high school grads of all ages and diverse groups. Additinally, CFM has joined several
professional organizations such as PACAC to hear first hand information about the SAT''s and the type of counseling services
required to help students and adults pursue their life long educational goals.
The College Board offers a host of services students, professionals and parents should be aware 3 that we help students visit often are: Register for the SAT,
College Planning, and for any Students with Disabilities. Here is Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education. Also, here is New Media Consortium's
National College Application Day (Nov 7, 2019)
National College Application Day was held at Dobbins HS along with Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable, and Dobbins HS Principle Dr. Toni Damon.
Collegefairmagazine (FFM) awarded six scholarships on Nov 17, 2016 as part of the Community College of Philadelphia’s Scholarship Awards Program.
CFM’s scholarship honors the memory of Rev. Sol Murphy (Philly) and Mr. Cecil Watkins (NY) for their support and dedication to the New York, Philadelphia
Basketball Classic. The six students were: Steven Carmichael, Kheena Carroll, Kristin Sullivan, Justin Barr, and John Krawczyk. CFM wishes them the best in their
pursuit of achieving their higher education goals!
CFM is in the planning process of organizing a fall or spring 2020 college fair, our theme will be Investing in the next generation.