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Dear reader, Collegefairmagazine’s (CFM) May publication features three outstanding professionals, Connie Malamed of eLearning Coach, John Luczkowski of Philly T&D, and Dr. Brandi Balwin-Rana, from the Center for Millennial Engagement. First, Malamed suggest that “one little known, but fulfilling career is that of an Instructional Designer or Instructional Technologist,” while John Luczkowski indicates "training" as it exists in the business world tries, or should try, to make that integration as seamless, easy, and complete as possible,” and third, Dr. Brandi Balwin-Rana helps to raise the profile of Philadelphia’s diverse millennial technology community. In part, the comments and involvement of our guess professionals may have helped to influence Philadelphia’s Mayor Kenney to created a $3.5 million StarUp PHL’s second fund to support and back Philly based tech startups. According to Torres (2018), “Comcast venture announced a $4 million seed round to Brightside with participation from Menlo Park, Calif-based Trinity Ventures.” The city and the region are developing a technology landscape for investment to attract the brightest and best tech minds to the Philadelphia area. The aforementioned shows the City and millennial’s that Philly is a promising and friendly technology startups area. Where capital can be raised and the government is very supportive and the Mayor sees this as a good investment that will pay dividends to the City’s long-term economic growth.
CFM wants to highlight your contributions as well, so please email your thinking in a brief (150 words) to collegefairmagazine@gmail.com. CFM list advertisements. For ad space, a Full Page=$75.00 (members $60.00), Half Page=$50.00 (members $40.00), and a Quarter Page= $25.00 (members $20.00). CFM is a 501c(3) Not-for-Profit organization. Our membership cost is only $3.00 yearly. Forward membership, donations, and Ad payments to: payPal.me/collegefairmagazine Ad files to collegefairmagazine@gmail.com Thank You! CFM Psst, a review of CFM’s online newsletter readership shows that 63% of readers use desktops, 6% use tablets, and 31% use mobile devices.
CFM would like to take this opportunity to present the first of our three featured guests. Connie Malamed of eLearning Coach “one little known, but fulfilling career is that of Instructional Design or Instructional Technology. Practitioners in this field design and produce learning experiences for workplace training and support. This might include designing and/or producing: eLearning, mobile apps, job aids, classroom training, curetted content, communities of practice and the use of collaborative tools to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Instructional designers use a variety of tools to examine workplace performance problems and determine if training or job support are the best solution. If so, they try to understand the target audience and the gaps in skills and knowledge to create effective learning experiences that will close the gap. Instructional design is based on cognitive psychology and learning theory.” Also, Connie indicated that “Instructional designers may work for large organizations as part of a team within the Learning and Development area or in Human Resources. Those who work for small organizations may wear many hats and be a department of one. People get into the field through many routes. There are Master’s Degree and certificate programs in the field as well as a few undergraduate programs. Other sources of entry are through being a corporate trainer, subject matter expert, teacher or writer. Check out this list of instructional design programs in the U.S. Some are online and some are onsite. And you can find out more about the career in this free 12-lesson course: Breaking into Instructional Design.”
The second feature guest is John Luczkowski of Philly T&D, he indicated that the average corporate professional work more than forty hours a week these days. Checking emails late at night, responding to messages on the weekend, phones calls with global partners early in the morning - all these things take time of a week. So, why someone already working like a dog would decide to start a non-profit professional development group? One word - "plastics,"! No, not really. When passion meets opportunity potential energy can get transformed into active energy. Our culture sways from one trend to another. As a result, business sways in the same winds. And therefore, well-intentioned business leaders try to grasp onto the latest buzzwords and ideas in dealing with their people. That can cause a human resource disaster. If I know anything, I know that you cannot find a secret sauce out there that will magically transform people. Learning, despite what anyone will tell you - happens through a process. You hear or see something and you try to fit it into your understanding of the world. You wrestle with an idea, concept, or process until you can integrate it into the framework of your mind. "Training" as it exists in the business world tries, or should try, to make that integration as seamless, easy, and complete as possible. However, we often do learners injustice by limiting or even denying them the basic building blocks necessary to take knowledge and turn it into behavior. We need content IN context. We need opportunities to practice. We need feedback and guidance. And we need time to repeat until the knowledge, skills, or attitude gets fully ingrained in our psyche. I helped co-found the Learning & Development Professionals of Greater Philadelphia to provide other professionals such as myself the opportunity to wade through the rough seas and find their north star. Every organization, every company, every group presents its own challenge due to culture, industry, and various requirements and limitations. But, the basics never change and the methodology that underlines true learning works anywhere, anytime.
Our third featured guest is Dr. Brandi Baldwin-Rana of The Center for Millennial Engagement, she indicates that The People Power Summit happened on Friday, April 27th at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business and welcomed 200 professionals from a variety of industries including finance, healthcare, law, and media. Speakers from the U.S. Census Bureau, PHLDiversity, KYW News radio, Wells Fargo and PNC shared their insights with the summit's millennial leaders on how to take their careers to the next level. Attendees also enjoyed complimentary career coaching on-site with over 40 people receiving one-on-one sessions that day. The goal of the People Power Summit was to provide practical leadership lessons to young professionals who want to achieve more in their careers. The event will be hosted in multiple cities and hopes to reach thousands over the next few years.
CFM would like to take this opportunity from our April Newsletter to continuing to feature Catherine Lombardozzi’s Learning Journal and her Design Thinking: reclaiming our identity as designers as part of our spring nuances. Catherine recently presented this topic at L&D Philly’s Saturday workshop at Temple’s Ambler campus. Catherine indicated that “The topic of design thinking is getting renewed attention in the L&D space. Among other things, it is seen as having the potential to inject creativity, to provide strategies for leveraging emerging technologies, and to expand our vision of learning support.” The session helped with reinvigorating strategies for design thinking, it was a spring cocktail of a new way to consider and understand using design thinking in L&D for designers. Visit Catherine’s Learning 4 Learning Professionals.
eLearning Manifesto
Smart learning is associated with eLearning and referring to the idea of a mantra, there is an eLearning Manifesto that organizations and professionals use when they “think about the quality of today’s learning materials.” In addition, “the manifesto’s core values and principles have been directly included in RFPs, learning project mission statements and now over 1000 personal testaments. CFM would like its readership to become a Signatory to the Manifesto.
Professionally, we should feel “comfortable adopting these values and demanded them in your own work.”
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